⁉ Exclamation Question Mark

Code Points: U+2049

⁉ Emoji Meaning

The ⁉ emoji, officially called the "Exclamation Question Mark," combines the excitement of an exclamation point with the inquisitiveness of a question mark. It's used to express a range of emotions and intentions, often conveying a heightened sense of confusion, disbelief, or incredulity. Here are some of its most popular meanings:

  • Strong disbelief or incredulity: "Did you really just say that⁉" This is perhaps the most common usage, indicating shock or astonishment at something unexpected or hard to believe.
  • Confused excitement: "Are you serious⁉" This expresses surprise mixed with a sense of anticipation or thrill, as if asking for confirmation of something exciting.
  • Intense questioning: "What is going on here⁉" This usage emphasizes the urgency and importance of the question, suggesting a demand for an explanation.
  • Rhetorical question expressing disbelief: "Are you kidding me⁉" Similar to expressing strong disbelief, but the question isn't expecting a literal answer. It's used to express frustration or exasperation.
  • Playful teasing or sarcasm: "You actually thought that would work⁉" This usage conveys a mocking tone, highlighting the absurdity of a situation or someone's actions.

Context is key with the ⁉ emoji. The intended meaning can often be determined by the surrounding text and the general tone of the conversation.

Exclamation Question Mark Emoji Images

Here is how Exclamation Question Mark emoji looks like on iPhone, Android, Facebook, Messenger and X:

Punctuation Related Emoji

Here is a list of other emojis from the Symbols category, Punctuation subcategory: