ℹ Emoji Meaning
The ℹ emoji, officially called the "Information Source" emoji, is generally used to represent information, guidance, or helpful resources. Here are its most popular meanings:
- Seeking or Providing Information: This is the most common usage. Someone might use it when asking a question, or when offering further details or context on a topic. Think of it as a visual shorthand for "more info here" or "I have a question".
- Help and Support: The ℹ emoji can signal that help or support is available, or that someone is seeking assistance.
- General Information or Tips: It can be used to introduce a helpful tip, fact, or piece of advice.
- Signposting Further Resources: The ℹ emoji can indicate that additional resources or links are available elsewhere, directing users to find more in-depth information.
- Customer Service and FAQs: Businesses often utilize the ℹ emoji to point customers towards FAQs, help centers, or contact information.
- (Less common) Tourist Information: In some contexts, it might be used to represent tourist information centers or points of interest.
In essence, the ℹ emoji acts as a visual cue that more information is available or needed, serving as a convenient shortcut in digital communication.
I | information
Information Emoji Images
Here is how Information emoji looks like on iPhone, Android, Facebook, Messenger and X:
Alphanum Related Emoji
Here is a list of other emojis from the Symbols category, Alphanum subcategory: