The 🫷 "leftwards pushing hand" emoji generally depicts a hand with its palm facing left, as if pushing something away or stopping it. Its most popular meanings include:
Rejection or refusal: This is perhaps the most common usage. Think of it like a physical "no" or "stop." It can be used to decline an offer, disagree with a statement, or express reluctance. Example: "Do you want more pizza?" 🍕 "🫷 I'm full."
Pushing something away (literally or figuratively): This can refer to a physical action, like pushing a door open, or a metaphorical one, like pushing away negative thoughts or bad vibes. Example: "Trying to push away these negative thoughts 🫷."
Blocking or shielding: The emoji can also convey the idea of protecting oneself from something unpleasant or unwanted. Example: "Shielding myself from the drama 🫷."
Presentation or introduction: Less commonly, it can be used to gesture towards something being presented or introduced, similar to a hand sweeping across a stage. Example: "And now, presenting... 🫷 our newest product!" (This usage is less common than the others.)
"Talk to the hand": This meaning leans into a more sassy, dismissive tone, suggesting that the person the emoji is directed towards is being ignored. Example: "You're being unreasonable. 🫷"
Context is crucial to understanding the intended meaning of this emoji, as with many others. The surrounding text and the overall tone of the conversation will help determine its specific interpretation.
block | five | halt | hand | high | hold | leftward | leftwards | pause | push | pushing | refuse | slap | stop | wait
Leftwards Pushing Hand Emoji Images
Here is how Leftwards Pushing Hand emoji looks like on iPhone, Android, Facebook, Messenger and X: