🦏 Rhinoceros

Code Points: U+1F98F


🦏 Emoji Meaning

The 🦏 rhinoceros emoji depicts a rhinoceros, a large herbivorous mammal with one or two horns on its snout. Its most popular meanings include:

  • Literal Representation: Simply referring to a rhinoceros or related concepts like wildlife, zoos, or conservation efforts.
  • Strength and Power: Due to its size and build, the rhino can represent physical strength, resilience, and power.
  • Stubbornness: Rhinos are sometimes seen as stubborn or unyielding, so the emoji can convey a sense of determination or even pigheadedness (though often playfully).
  • Thick Skin/Insensitivity: Figuratively, "thick-skinned" means being insensitive to criticism or negativity. The rhino's literal thick skin can be used to represent this trait.
  • Rarity/Endangerment: As many rhino species are endangered, the emoji can be used in discussions about conservation and the plight of these animals.
  • Horns: In some cultures, rhino horns are believed to have medicinal properties (although scientifically disproven). The emoji might be used in contexts relating to these beliefs, though it should be noted that the trade in rhino horn is illegal and harmful.

Rhinoceros Emoji Images

Here is how Rhinoceros emoji looks like on iPhone, Android, Facebook, Messenger and X:

Animal-Mammal Related Emoji

Here is a list of other emojis from the Animals & Nature category, Animal-Mammal subcategory: