🪨 Rock

Code Points: U+1FAA8


🪨 Emoji Meaning

The 🪨 rock emoji can have a few different meanings, depending on the context:

  • Literal rock: Sometimes, it's just a rock! It can be used to represent stones, pebbles, boulders, mountains, or anything generally rocky.
  • Strength and stability: Like a rock, this emoji can symbolize something unwavering, solid, and dependable. Think "solid as a rock."
  • Stubbornness or insensitivity: A "hard-headed" or emotionally unavailable person might be described as being "like a rock," and the emoji can be used in this way as well.
  • Feeling emotionally numb or "stoned": Related to the previous meaning, the rock can also symbolize feeling emotionally detached or unfeeling.
  • Diamonds or other precious stones: While not technically a rock in the geological sense, sometimes the rock emoji can be used in the context of jewelry or valuable minerals.
  • Throwing shade or dissing: The rock can also symbolize throwing rocks (metaphorically, of course), and thus can be used to represent criticism or a put-down.

Rock Emoji Images

Here is how Rock emoji looks like on iPhone, Android, Facebook, Messenger and X:

Place-Building Related Emoji

Here is a list of other emojis from the Travel & Places category, Place-Building subcategory: