The 🧑🎤 Singer emoji generally depicts a person singing, often with a microphone. It can represent a variety of concepts related to singing and music, with popular meanings including:
A singer or vocalist: This is the most literal meaning, referring to someone who sings professionally or as a hobby.
Singing or performing music: The emoji can be used to represent the act of singing itself, whether on stage, in the shower, or karaoke.
Love of music or singing: It can express a passion for music, particularly singing, and be used when discussing favorite artists, songs, or concerts.
Karaoke or other singing activities: The emoji is often used in the context of karaoke nights or other amateur singing events.
A specific singer or musical performance: When used alongside a name or song title, the emoji can refer to a particular artist or performance.
Joy, excitement, and having fun: Singing is often associated with happiness, so the emoji can convey feelings of joy, excitement, or just having a good time.
actor | entertainer | rock | rockstar | singer | star
Singer Emoji Images
Here is how Singer emoji looks like on iPhone, Android, Facebook, Messenger and X: