πŸŽ‹ Tanabata Tree

Code Points: U+1F38B


πŸŽ‹ Emoji Meaning

The πŸŽ‹ Tanabata Tree emoji depicts a decorated bamboo branch, central to the Japanese star festival, Tanabata (七倕), also known as the Star Festival or Festival of the Weaver. Here are its most popular meanings:

  • Tanabata Festival: This is the primary meaning. The emoji represents the festival itself, its traditions, and the wishes made during it.
  • Wishes and Dreams: People write their wishes on small colorful strips of paper (tanzaku) and hang them on bamboo branches during Tanabata. So the emoji can symbolize hopes, dreams, and making wishes.
  • Summer in Japan: Tanabata is celebrated in July or August (depending on the region and calendar used). The emoji can evoke the feeling of summertime in Japan.
  • Love and Romance: The festival celebrates the meeting of two separated lovers, Orihime (represented by the star Vega) and Hikoboshi (represented by the star Altair). Thus, the emoji can also represent love, relationships, and longing.
  • Japanese Culture: More generally, the emoji can represent Japanese culture and traditions.

Tanabata Tree Emoji Images

Here is how Tanabata Tree emoji looks like on iPhone, Android, Facebook, Messenger and X:

Event Related Emoji

Here is a list of other emojis from the Activities category, Event subcategory: