☔ Umbrella With Rain Drops

Code Points: U+2614

☔ Emoji Meaning

The ☔ umbrella with rain drops emoji most commonly represents:

  • Rainy weather: This is the most literal and frequent use of the emoji. It signifies rain, a rainy day, or the general concept of wet weather.
  • Staying dry/protection: The umbrella acts as a shield against the rain, so the emoji can also represent protection, shelter, or staying dry in a difficult situation (not necessarily literal rain).
  • A bad or gloomy day: Rain is often associated with sadness or gloominess, so the emoji can be used to express a negative mood or a bad day.
  • Dealing with something unpleasant: Similar to protection, it can represent weathering a storm (metaphorical or literal) or dealing with an unpleasant situation.
  • Relaxing indoors: The rain outside might create a cozy atmosphere inside, so the emoji might be used in the context of relaxing or enjoying indoor activities on a rainy day.
  • Spring season: Sometimes the emoji is used in conjunction with discussions of spring, especially during the rainy season.

Umbrella With Rain Drops Emoji Images

Here is how Umbrella With Rain Drops emoji looks like on iPhone, Android, Facebook, Messenger and X:

Sky & Weather Related Emoji

Here is a list of other emojis from the Travel & Places category, Sky & Weather subcategory: